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4 Plant Perpetual Grow








Here you go guys, the script for this video in order to more easily follow the steps needed:



In Canada as of October 17, 2018.

Canadians are able to grow up to 4 plants per house hold in provinces that will allow it.

This video takes a look at how to set up a perpetual harvest within that 4 plant limit.

With this set up you will be able to harvest every 2 weeks on average.

Let's take a look at out to set up your Perpetual Grow.



Starting Your Perpetual Grow:

1st day : (A) Start your plant (From seed or a clone from somewhere), plant (A)


1-month : (A) has been vegging a month now, Start another plant, plant (B) we will call it.


2 months : (A) Has been vegging for 2 months,  place into budding.( B) has been vegging for 1 month.
Cut a clone from (A), buy a clone or  start new seed (C) we will call it 


3-months : (A) has now been budding a month, its time to place 
 (B) into budding area and (C) has been vegging a month now. 
Cut a clone from (B), buy a clone or  start new seed (D) we will call it


4-months : (A) is finally ready or almost ready to come down depending on strain*, harvest once ready.(A)

(B) in the budding area for 1 month
 (C) has been vegging for 2 months and is now moved into budding
 (D) has been vegging a month now Cut a clone from (C), buy a clone or start new seed
(E) we will call it


*(D) will now follow the same course as (A)



*depending on strain- Strains have different budding times, you will have
     to find what works best for you, although strains with 8 week average budding times work best for this setup.
     If you have a limit of 4 plants, you should legally wait until you take down the oldest plant when its ready before
 adding your next plant in (New clone or seed). 



EVERY MONTH you will be:


1- Cutting a new clone, buying a clone or starting a seed.
2- Moving 1 plant into budding
3- Harvesting 1 plant



Another Option

 If available is to find a connection to buy clones or 
 use feminized seeds instead. This can make a perpetual grow much easier to achieve.
  Instead of waiting for roots to show up cloning you have more time to veg. 
 In this case you would be buying a clone every month or planting a feminized seed every month.



** buying clones would ensure the proper timing, clones can take 4 days to 2 weeks to start rooting, depending on the method used. ((check out our video about cloning coming soon)) By purchasing the clones it will ensure that it is already rooted and would take that bit of time out of the schedule. 


When it comes to seeds start with good genetics and grow from there.
    Find real original worthwhile genetics.
    You want to start with the best to get a great result,

    if you are growing random bag-seed your more likely to get some hermaphrodites with seeds 
    and generally overall ends up disappointing. 
    Starting with something great is the best way to get something great!





Get your seeds!

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